leased department in a sentence
- In October 2014 Italian Guardia di Finanza started an investigation on the leasing department of the Italian subsidiary.
- Peter E . Ricker, once the head of Helmsley-Spear's leasing department, is at Galbreath-Riverbank now.
- As head of the leasing department, he boosted profits so dramatically in 1974 that auditors from Boston wondered whether he was making unsoundloans.
- In 1977, J . C . Penney sold its stores in Italy to La Rinascente and also removed its Supermarkets Interstate leased departments.
- Those assets include Lids'290 retail stores, its 91 leased departments within Just For Feet stores and its Web site, Lids . com.
- It's difficult to find leased department in a sentence.
- In 2009, JCPenney reached an agreement with Seattle's Best Coffee to feature full-service cafes within leased departments inside JCPenney stores across the country.
- The increases, the company said in a statement, were " driven primarily by an inventory liquidation sale in our fine-jewelry leased department ."
- The purchase, if approved at a hearing April 12, would give Hat World 450 stores in 47 states, 91 leased departments and about 2, 300 employees.
- The company operates about 2, 400 retail outlets and leased departments dealing in brands such as Easy Spirit, Casual Corner, Petite Sophisticate, August Max Woman and Capezio.
- It operates about 2, 400 retail outlets and leased departments dealing in footwear and women's apparel brands such as Easy Spirit, Casual Corner, Petite Sophisticate, August Max Woman and Capezio.
- ;Innovations : Unlike similar retailer of the day, there were no leased departments in any of the Caldor stores, allowing managers the flexibility to rearrange a floor plan to suit the season or sales patterns.
- Starting in the late 1970s, Woolworth enacted a cost-saving plan for Woolco that included a reduction in floor space for the largest locations, the elimination of most leased departments and an expansion into smaller markets with stores as small as.
- The Italian leasing department of Hypo Alpe-Adria Italy was remained in the bad bank, now known as Heta Asset Resolution Italia S . r . l ., a subsidiary of Heta Asset Resolution ( sold in 2016 to a private equity fund ).
- The footwear company will include the Thom McAn and Footaction shoe stores and Meldisco, which sells shoes in leased departments at Kmart Corp . Last year, Meldisco had sales of $ 1.3 billion, Footaction reached $ 332 million and Tom McAn had $ 227 million.
- The company divested itself of all footwear operations as well as home furnishings, business, women's departments, children departments and leased department activities ( such as Woolco ), as well as all non-Canadian enterprises launched during the late'70s and early'80s.
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